Database development
(MySQL, Oracle, SQl Server, Access)

Databases make an excellent tool for data storage and management of any kind. They are best suited for companies or individuals who want their information kept in one place with having a simple and easy access to them.

Every information stored in the database can be searched, edited, deleted, added, etc.

Examples of databases:

  • Company employee database
    (Personal records for every employee, position, years of service, personal income, finished projects, etc.)
  • Library database
    (personal records for every member, information regarding books and authors, records about rented books, counters for every rented book, notifications about when the book is due to be returned, members or book searches, etc.)
  • Dental office database
    (Patient records, teeth status information, overview of performed operations, scheduled appointments, overview of income for services paid and/or pending, etc.)
  • Sports association database
    (Player records, coach information, match stats, results, statistics, etc.)
  • ...and many more examples.

Every web application and most of internet websites is backed up by at least one database. In order for the data to be consistent, it is necessary to develop a perfect data model, a field in which Web Developer Serbia has many years of experience.